Digital marketing
Celestyal Cruises
Promote Celestyal Cruises on the French market in order to obtain a maximum of visibility with a large parisian target.
Partnership with the well-known and recognized parisian department store, Galeries Gafayette. Participation in the great Galeries Lafayette competition for the advent calendar for Christmas 2021.
Identification of Celestyal Cruises in two stories and a post in instagram carrousel on the account of Galeries Lafayette. Customized block with Celestyal Cruises visual and logo in their newsletter of December 24th 2021.
Instagram publication
1 585 likes, 245 comments, 48 191 reach
Stories Instagram
26 503 views , 77 689 impressions , 4 222 participants
1,17 M contacts, OR: 38%
Celestyal Cruises block click rate: 66%